Friday, January 26


// feeling :: weird
// prayer for ::

Alright. Went for AGS. Before that I met up with Catherine, and she helped me do make up and style my hair. She had nth else to do, so I went for AGS with her. She wanted to see me take my cert anyway. It was also a good chance for her to see my company and how its like.

My mom also went. So yea, also a chance for her to meet Catherine.

I had a great time. I got to go up twice. Once is to receive the certs on behalf of everyone (it'll take too long to give out individually) and another is to collect my . . . *drumroll please*


Yea cool right. I love it ~ I would put up the picture but I'm too lazy.
After the whole thing...we go out n take a lot of pictures together..

Ms Karen and I (my personal idol)

Team Beavers!

Red Beavers

The managers

Mr Michael and I

Mr Bryan and my mom

Mr Chris, Mr Bryan and I

Ms Elbie and I (my upline)

Ms Elbie, me, Mr Chris, Mr Michael

My mom and Mr Chris

Mr Chris and I

If you can rmb, Mr Bryan is my BGM, and Mr Chris is my BM, also my mentor. Mr Chris is actually . . . my godbrother. I duno how come, but when he, my mom and Mr Bryan were talking, she suddenly become their godma.

Then smth happened, when we were waiting for the rest to finish taking photos. I kept it inside, then I kinda thought out loud. My mom was beside me. She knew what I was talking abt, but she said one sentence, which kinda crushed my whole night for me.

No matter. I came home feeling bitter but heck. See the badge pinned on my blazer? Yea, that is my BM badge.

Since Mr Bryan cant return the car tonight, I'm asking him to make a stop at my place to pick me up for work. Then no need to take train.

Blabla. Does anyone understand what my post is about so far?

Cuz of you, I feel even further away from Him. You played your role kinda reversely, right? I wonder if you know. I was trying. I need encouragement. I dont need biased opinions.

I'm going to sleep. Tmr still got work and CGM.

I hope that my sales quota has helped Red Beavers get top team this wk. Go Beavers! FIGHT ON!

michi ]|[ 01:07

Thursday, January 25


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

Don't grieve for me.

Be happy for me.


I DONT believe its that difficult to do.

michi ]|[ 12:51


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

Hello ~

I didnt go to work today. Only later at night.

Yesterday...I was a wreck of nerves. Lol. I was so nervous that I kept going toilet over and over again. I was promoted to a 9-day BM. Breaking the company's record of 30 days. It was superb.

But then again. I hesitated a lot before the promotion. I was worrying and worrying about many things. And in the end, I juz told Mr Bryan. After he talked to me, wow. I felt motivated again. He shared things in his point of view and all makes sense. This is the working world.

Later on, its AGS. Annual Grand Seminar. I've a lot to say about it. But ah..

Met Mr Bryan and Mr Chris this morning to pass them my dad's car. They needed it for tonight. I'm excited for tonight. Really.

michi ]|[ 11:44

Monday, January 22


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

There was a lot a lot on my mind last night up to today. Then today went work again. First time attending Managers' Session. Shiok. I was given an opportunity to give my MM speech on stage but only 1 out of the 5 ppl I thanked were there -_-

Today...I went for lunch with Mr Bryan and Mr Michael. Lol suddenly Mr Bryan ask abt my church...And I learnt that Mr Bryan is an ex-City Harvester!! Got such a great shock. He say after it moved from Paya Lebar he dun wanna go le lol. Cuz he follow e one who brought him there.

At 5pm ++ a meeting with Mr Simon Sim was arranged!! Omg......... He is the CEO of VE. Man, who gets that lucky?? When Mr Chris told me, my mouth dropped to the floor. I was gasping and smiling and shaking his hand at the same time. Lol then I go tell Mr Michael...hahahhaa. Too excited alr.

Good sia. First talk to Mr Bryan then Mr Chris teach me how to handle objections then Mr Simon came. Waaaa...He talked in chinese tho and I couldnt really understand. Plus the cars were really noisy. But wow....He shake ppl's hands..very solid one. Not nua nua one. Some ppl shake hand nua nua one. Never leave lasting impression. In fact, it'll leave a bad impression from the start. First impression counts.

After that talk to Mr Bryan again.

Today I was kinda preoccupied most of the time. In the end I juz told Mr Chris. He's also a Christian...he shared with me his point of view lor. At first I felt better. Then he said smth that made my mood go even lower than before -.- I was thinking about it all the way home.

But he got me excited about car incentive. I never really saw myself driving..because I dread taking the driving test.

Well today he let me go home early..because I was making noise abt going for training. lol. But as he passed me my starter kit and shook my hand, I didnt feel like leaving. Felt like staying there and juz being with my sidelines. Everyday I learn so much frm my uplines also...

I dont want to hear how I've changed negatively. I want to hear how I've changed for the better.

michi ]|[ 22:12

Sunday, January 21


// feeling :: tired
// prayer for :: tmr's meeting

Tmr got managers' meeting. Which I must attend. Must wear blazer. Best thing is that I dont have to sit in front.

I'm so tired. I spent the whole day with Mr Chris today. There is so much more to learn. I still have finish studying the marketing book by tonight. I'm exhausted but I am happy.

New goal. New plans. New motivation. New adrenaline rush.

My blazer is too big. I need a fitting one or I'll look like a fool at AGS. I also need white shirt by AGS! Attire criteria. And now I also need starter kit -.- ZZZ. Someone provide me with a miracle.

Do I dare? I guess I have no choice.

michi ]|[ 22:27

Saturday, January 20


// feeling :: full
// prayer for :: tmr's SA

I love tea..

Okay tmr supposed to hav some Sentosa outing at 10am. But I have SA at 1330. I duno if Mr Chris wants me to go after that -.- I also dun feel like going. hahaha mayb I can try to get myself out of it..

I went to work today. So far...I just talked to Mr Chris and all tt. Then I went for class.

I came to church with the word irritated stamped over my forehead. I duno why.

But. I'm not proud of myself today. Thruout svc, all that was on my mind was work. I didnt even sing the songs. All I did was think bitterly about objection. I juz stood there and cried for my work. I was crying for spiritual fullness, spiritual peace, supernatural understanding and support.

I was bitter thruout svc and was only until after BS that I loosened up.

And I realised that I've been in office too much. I'm going ard calling ppl Mr __ or Ms __ and shaking their hands.

Okie...tmr have SA at my grandma's place. I duno how to get there -.-

Wednesday got another. Thanks to Michael. I'm meeting him and his mom. Hopefully I can help him also cuz always see him so tired all tt.

I'm reminded of my uncle. That time he came up to my office. I wanted to present to him but he was in a hurry. At first I was frustrated because I couldnt close the deal. My first rejection.

Then my manager...came up to me and told me this: "he looks very weak. He has heart problem and spinal problem. He perspired so much just now. I understand why you called him to come. I also want to help him. Get him to come down again soon."

With those few sentences....he moved me to tears.

I felt ashamed. I kept thinking of selling and making money and promotion. I didnt think about benefitting and helping him. If I could..I would've bought one sleeping system for him straight away.

So ashamed. I've been having the wrong mindset of making money only.

Yare yare ah Michelle.....

Lookin forward to BM..this is how I learn anyway.

Mr Michael I'm waiting for you to hit BM! Better hit before me.

michi ]|[ 23:04


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

Can I write out what I really want to say.

Everyday I go online and I scan the ppl who are online. As if looking for someone. But I can tell you one thing. That person will never be online. He may be in another form, but I will never see him online.

All the time I force myself to understand what she says. Most of the time I get it. Even when I dun get it I respect her tt much to pretend I do.

My mom say one sentence. She said a few dozen. Things I felt only my mom or dad can say.

Why would she meet my boss...why would she request way. She's not my mom. No way I'll let her meet them. Why should I, anyway. My mom trusts Mr Chris. She doesnt because she never met him before.

I know who cares for me and who's out to harm me.

I'm not growing up too fast. I got eyes to see and ears to hear. My mom knows me to be responsible. And I spend more time with her than with my mom. So how come my mom understands but she doesnt?

I'm going off. I still have work tmr morning. Or rather, later on. Bye.

michi ]|[ 02:40

Friday, January 19


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

I was allowed to go back earlier today.

Can I say AGS will be a fantastic day for me....

Or can I say...I actually dread it.

But anyway. When I was supposed to go for lunch today, Mr Chris brought me shopping -.- he said my wear wasn't formal enough. He even wanted to get me a blazer. I'll only need that when I hit MM..

Well we walked ard Raffles for about 2 hrs. Shops that sold clothes that I thought were satisfactory he didnt like. Ya ok, so follow the leader, follow the expert.

In the end I got two executive pants and 2 pairs of shoes. *cost me a bomb*

A salesgirl asked me whether Mr Chris was my boyfriend when he left the shop to withdraw money, since I hadnt enough. When I told her he was my manager, she got a shock. Perhaps maybe its rare to see a manager treat his subordinate so nicely like take her shopping.

I dun really like the clothes he picked out -.- but no choice. He has the experience whereas I dont. But I learnt to trust him in everything. And so far...I havent gone wrong.

Currently fighting for position of MM...before AGS and especially before we move office. Sales quota will definitely increase so right now everyone's fighting for their positions.

I have already gotten my desired of tomorrow....but. I'm not at ease. For my situation........perhaps many want it too. But different way.

But right now...I'm juz putting my all in Mr Chris' hands. I guess I will share this with Mr Chris and Catherine tmr. I almost dread to see whether Catherine will congratulate me or lecture me.

*if you are in doubt, there must be something wrong*
Thats what my dad always tells me.

But aiya. I dont want to think so much either. This is it for now. My good news is going down the drain.

Mr. Michael, don't allow me to overtake you! Fight for BM before AGS!

michi ]|[ 00:30

Wednesday, January 17


// feeling :: ??
// prayer for :: tmr's SA

Lets see. Today was good; I learnt a lot. Yesterday was even better; I reached my goal.

I met many great ppl. I learnt many things abt my colleagues like, Ms Karen is my age!; Ms Vera is 19.

I also had the chance to talk, to big shots in the company, either in training or personally, like: Mr Kit Tan, House of Red leader (my leader!); Mr Bryan, Red Beavers BGM, youngest BGM (my group); Mr Gary; Mr Lawrence; Mr Alvin, Red Vipers BGM; Mr Steven; Mr Sebestian and a lot of others. Wow when I realised that they will be talking to me or I'll be attending their lessons, I got so excited.

And today, Mr Kit Tan, House of Red leader, Senior Business Group Manager, 2nd in whole company to become Business Group Manager, personally came to talk to me and another ME. I got so excited. But in the end, as I came home, I realised smth.

I got no one to share it with.

No one knows what the big deal it is because they duno my company structure and they duno the business plan. So everything is so-so to them while it is a big, BIG deal for me.

And today, as I was going home, I had to try getting a member down for cgm. Try try try, talk talk talk, in the end, no leeway. I have a personal dream for myself for the next position. But of course only my company mentors know, like Mr Chris and Mr Bryan. I think even if I tell other ppl they will just say "orh" or "I see".

Share as testimony? Maybe. Sure, God had His hand in this too. But I think I share they will just clap as Catherine's indication? Will they really understand why this is good enough for a testimony?

Ah big deal big deal. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I have to wake up early to catch my mom before she leaves for work so I can get some referrals. At least that can boost my position and realise my dream asap. Then, call ppl for interview! Be under me hahaha. So who interested? Can call me to get more details haha. I have the confidence you will also do as well as me or even better ;)

Tmr, training, then appointment, then training again I think. Yeah...Solid! hahaa....

Keep happy, be happy. Remember what I said about those ppl who are always stressed and unhappy. Their heart condition will worsen if it goes on. So those who are easily stressed, be careful. Not convinced? Go check it out yourself.

And today. Is my 7th month engagement with ahhem. haha! I hope to get married soon! I will get my engagement bracelet soon (:P mine special one) and it also helps me muahaha. Dun tell you how. Wanna know, come ask me.

michi ]|[ 11:56

Monday, January 15


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

I just got back from the Arbinger Institute a couple of hours ago. My dad knows the boss and had arranged an interview for me. Well so I went there and learnt that I'll get paid $5/hr and I'll be doing admin stuff all that.

I'm really confused as to which door God wants me to go thru since He opened so many for me.

I had blogged an entry after I got home, but I realised I was practically just whining and complaining. I got embarrassed and ashamed of it so I decided not to post it. haha..bad impression on me xP

Well I realised that complaining and whining even tho God opened so many doors for me was kind of an idiotic thing to do. Something only ingrates would do, which I dont want to become. But ah..Prayer and the only way to help me in times of trouble and confusion.

Everytime I put on my work shirt and look at myself in the mirror, I'd sigh and look away. I didnt like what I saw. I mean, is working in that profession my only way to complete my building fund pledge, when I dread wearing what I should? I look like I'm twenty plus when I'm only 18 when I wear those shirts. *ugh*

Well I cant wait for cgm. I've been longing for it.

michi ]|[ 17:34

Sunday, January 14


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

Today was good. I went for training at VE group from 2-10pm. So long...

I learnt a lot of things about the company and magnetic therapy. I also learnt that I had an ailing kidney, weak heart, poor blood circulation, bladder problems, low blood count from a magnetic analysis test. Well better warn me first than to keep me in the dark.

The machine also predicted problems like gastric, giddiness, headache, shoulder pain all tt. I cant rmb all. The guy with me said that its rare for smone as young as me to develop so many problem. I got scared when I knew all tt. I gotta check what I do/eat now.

There is this product called CALWater. To different ppl, the taste will be different! I was with another trainee called Kevin, and when he drank the water he tasted it to be bitter and fishy. I tasted it to be sour and fishy. For me it meant that I had some sort of problem with my heart and my kidney/bladder. But it was really cool because we had a demonstration on each of the health products and it really worked. All really worked.

I also found out that ppl who get stressed easily, or always get sad or depressed is more likely to develop heart disease. So actually staying happy really has its benefits. It doesnt only provide a positive mindset on life, it is also a prevention of heart problems.

Its easy to be promoted too. Once I get 1 deal, I will become a marketing agent. Another 4 deals, and I'll be a marketing executive. Then marketing manager, then business manager all that I cant rmb all.

But I am unsure if I will really take up this job because its risky as its commission-based (I would really hate it if it turned out like the job at NbyN!) and my mom lined up another interview for me to be working side-by-side a motivational speaker! Somewhat like Rev. A. R. Bernard? I'll get the learn lots and lots of things thru him if I work there. Sigh God's opening so many doors but which one is the one He wants me to go through??

michi ]|[ 23:10

Saturday, January 13


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

Wow today's svc was great! Praise and Worship was great, sermon was great, fellowship was great!

I really felt e presence of God there with us today. We practically sung down the whole of heaven...

Delirious? came. It was wonderful. All of their songs were great! I wanted to buy the album, but Michael said it would be better to dl. Ya I guess so money...I havent gotten my pay also..

I'm gettin good on building fund. I'm alr into Feb's pledge. I hope I can finish it asap. Catherine said that I should be getting smth back in return, like spiritual or financial breakthrough, family breakthrough....I realised that even as I'm focusing on a financial breakthrough, I got nth to do with the money. As in, I dont want anything really bad. Perhaps just to let go of my Mom's apron strings and be financially dependent.

I went to highlight and cut my hair this afternoon before svc. Was sooo afraid that I'd be late. In the end, I had more than enough time. Thank GOD!

I chose a subtle color. It was supposed to be brownish-purple but it seems red. Lol I duno I cant see it. Apparently, the lady dyed the inside of my hair, and nth really shows on the outside. But I cut my hair really short. Like 3 or 4 inches. Even shorter than Catherine's. It looks good and its easier to maintain. Altho I look older hahaha.

I love Gab's hair its orange. I wish my highlight was as obv as hers.

I guess I'm kinda getting used to walking home alone on Saturday nights. hah..I do still get scared of the dark. I refuse to sleep with the lights off. I gotta hav a night light. So I guess my sister n future husband are unlucky to be sleeping in the same room as me. lol.

Ah well its almost midnight. I really wish Gab would go for tmr's svc, so I can go too. I really loved the whole svc and I bet tmr's anoiting would be stronger. And I love the way Delirious? showed the lyrics of the song. Really cool and innovative. Original too.

I noticed a couple of things that I've been "feeling" and I really better watch myself. I gotta avoid many things and perhaps try to erase certain "feelings". Yeah, its all natural for us to go thru these kinda things, but right now....its the last thing I want to worry abt...

For now. My focus is God and the cg. Perhaps work. *argh* so many loyalties.

Starting to love church more and more. Starting to love God more and more. Starting to love Catherine more and more. Starting to love my cg members more and more. Starting to love pst more and more. The 17th of June. Thats when I gave my life. I will never forget that day. The start of my lifetime "engagement" with the Lord. I cant wait for when I get "married".

I love the Holy Spirit. I love the Son. I love the Father. I love all of them as I love each of them. So, since They are the same Person, I love God 3 times more. hehe.

michi ]|[ 23:18

Friday, January 12


// feeling :: hungry
// prayer for :: svc tmr! delirious? !

Whenever I work, I'll see couples going shopping together or adorable kids. Next time, I really want to go shopping with my future boyfriend/ husband. Its simple, but yet they can spend time tgt..haha..All my desires and dreams are all placed in God's hands..

About 3 ppl have said smth to be that has the impression that I am not a really good friend. Like I dont spend time with them and all that. I guess I have been too busy with work and church and doing other personal things that the only time I set aside to really talk to them is in church..and if they dont go to my church/diff cell, we dont talk.

I'm bad at keeping friendships going =/

Argh I threw away my DVDs when I was cleaning my room!! *stupid stupid stupid* This is what happens when you dont keep things in their proper place (in this case, the cover) and throw things away without a second look. Sigh just when I was waiting the whole day to watch it. *stupid stupid stupid*

There are a lot of things at Giant that I thought about buying for the cg to eat during fellowship...I want to make choc fondue for them and buy all the fruits; marshmallow etc, pandan cake, a few dozen mini cakes, chocolate rice cake etc etc. All are cheap also, except the fondue one haha. Maybe if cgm is together with W229, then I'll buy all those for them.

I'm only making myself hungry.

Tmr got appointment to highlight my hair. I duno wad color but maybe I will just cut it. I want to cut my hair short..ard shoulder length. Too long very hard to maintain.

michi ]|[ 17:45

Thursday, January 11


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

I went for the interview just now. Turns out that the company is Venture Era. And guess what. Herald and Felix were also working there. As executive managers!

Saw Shumei there also. It was my mom who spotted her.

My mom was practically promoting me and my dad to the manager....And the manager looks exactly like Yuan He...I had to squint and look carefully at him before I decided it well, not that bad. But he really looked like him. Made me miss church. And he is only 20. 21 this yr. Wow. If he can do it, so can I right? haha!

But well...My mom said yes for me, so I'm starting training on Sunday. I guess I will be working with the managers all that. I'm not really sure what I'm going to be doing... But as the interview went on, I realised that if I actually do make it through, it will be my big breakthrough, because my position will be high and my pay will be up to 1k..I may even get the opportunity to go overseas.

But I still am unsure whether its from the Holy Spirit. I am getting my doubts, and duno if its cuz of peer pressure or spiritual prompting..

Oh well. Tmr's my last day of work at IMM. Also good...I need a break...however I dread to know when I start work at VE.. But now's building fund to take care of. I'll focus on that first, then I'll get my break. But I think once building fund is over, I'll have to start school -_-

Oh yes ~ Today's W229's Jonathan's 20th birthday! I duno if he reads this but:

Happy birthday,

michi ]|[ 20:25

Wednesday, January 10


// feeling :: tired
// prayer for :: tmr's interview

I decided to go for the interview.

Someone called me yesterday, telling me that the company she worked for was expanding and needed more manpower. Since I was quitting my job on Friday, I decided to go....But in the end my mom told me not to cuz she wasnt free, and she didnt want to let me go to that place alone.

So I'm going tmr. Since I dont have any work..

AH SO TIRED. Everyday stone at my workplace....Human traffic gettin slower and slower...

Wanna get an office job. I'm influenced by my mom. Always tellin me to get one at the office. The exp I get will be more useful to me in future....

michi ]|[ 20:15

Sunday, January 7


// feeling :: elated
// prayer for :: tmr's svc

Can anyone of you who are reading this comprehend my joy right now??

God is good. God is really good. He gave me such a wonderful birthday to remember. And my real birthday isnt even here yet.

The cg sang a birthday song for me. I'll never forget it. First many people sang for me..And they're all people who mean a lot to me. They gave me a wonderful necklace and matching earrings ! I love it so much, so if by chance anyone from the cg reads this, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Then we went to Fish N Co at the Airport. What made me really glad was that Isabelle came along. She and Michael had buried their differences and became friends again. What better birthday present is there than this?

8 of us went to eat: Zhiyang, Jiacheng, Michael, Ken, Isabelle, Wendy, Matthew (Isabelle's cg member).

The highlight of the meal was when Wendy/Ken got the waiters there to sing a birthday song for me LOL. I thought it'd be embarrassing at first, but it turned out to be really warm. I had a sparkler and a scoop of ice cream with a candle. Went thru the formality of making a wish before blowing out the candle. My wish? haah secret between God and me. But its something I really wanted for a long time.

Then they kept taking pics with their hps. I dont have all the photos. I only have two taken with my phone.

Argh its blurred. My blogskin cant take too big photos.

Something felt missing. Michael said his name once and I realised that I wished that person was there.

And special thanks to these people:

W271, Lynn, Rina, Dejin, Michael, Cailing, Dehua, Weikeong, Aaron, Jiacheng, Zhiyang

Thank you so much for being there and for your wishes!

michi ]|[ 00:43

Saturday, January 6


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

Just emailed my dad. Becoming closer to him thru emails.

I realised smth really sad...There are Christians (well I duno, but thats what they call themselves) who are always depressed and seldom happy, and there are non-Christians who live life everyday with fullness and gratitude, and I seldom see them unhappy. But somehow, they aren't saved.

"Sad Christian" should be an oxymoron. Really.

I mean, imagine. Someone dies for you, and you receive that with thanksgiving, but you live your life in depression, always with a reason to hate life. Kinda like an irony, right?

Sometimes when I look at life's circumstances and it feels as if I got absolutely nothing to thank God for, God gives me a reason to be grateful.

For day I felt as though I was totally knocked down by exhaustion and loss of meaning in my work, but I felt determined to start the next day victorious. The next day I had work, for 12 hrs. Even worse than the day before.

The day started badly. Sales were soo bad that I was afraid I couldnt reach the daily sales target. I kept praying in tongues despite the fact that I had succumbed to the fact that I would fall short today.

Then Holy Spirit helped me to remember something that Michael said before, "God can still work His miracle at the 11th hour". So I believed.

And at EXACTLY the 11th hour of my work, before I was getting ready to clear up, God gave me a breakthrough. Sales came pouring in. I reached above and beyond my sales target. Even after I cleaned up and was ready to leave, there were still sales. He had given me two-fold of what I had needed, just because I believed.

Simple belief. Can bring forth miracles. I find more and more reasons to praise the Lord everyday.

So I feel sad when I see fellow brothers and sisters always wallowing in failures or keep dwelling on reasons to be upset instead of being full of gratitude and thanksgiving. How can one Christian be overwhelmed with breakthroughs and victories, while another is always sad and finding no meaning in life?

Both are Christians, so why the vast difference? Actually, this links back to what Pst Kong and Catherine always say how a simple change in mindset can actually bring forth breakthrough..

Right now I'm believing for financial breakthrough and cg breakthrough. I believe it can come to past for me. God really can do wonders. If he can do it for Moses and Shamgar, why cant He do it for us?

michi ]|[ 12:10

Thursday, January 4


// feeling ::
// prayer for ::

Dreamt of my dad....dreamt that he was back for my birthday to spend it with me. I really tot it was real. I woke up over the moon. Then I realised that it was just a dream.

Made me realise how much I missed him.

michi ]|[ 22:47


// feeling :: adventurous
// prayer for :: tmr's meeting

I went for dental this morning, and my dentist said I can take out my braces in 2 mths. My teeth got over corrected by the rubber bands and thus . . . I dont need to wear them anymore!!

I wanted to take them out today actually, but the dentist said I'll regret it. 2 more months wont hurt I suppose, when I've ren-ed it for the past 3 yrs. Its kinda stupid to give up 3 yrs for the sake of takin it out 2 mths earlier.

Catherine wanted to meet up with us...but I forgot that most of them have school. In the end, only Zhiyang, Jiacheng, Mag and I could go..

I went to Plaza Sing to get guitar strings first. Bought a pick holder as well. So expensive...

Went to Cityhall and aft awhile all came. Catherine was talking to Jiacheng abt his education first...then she went on to talk about 2007 and the changes we gotta take/make.

She asked for my vision for 2007....I gave stupid, shallow answers like becoming closer to the cg and get financial breakthrough..But after that, I realised what I wanted to accomplish in 2007. Become cell group guitarist...

Yeah, I feel embarrassed to type that out. I duno why but...I always seem scared to express my ambitions and dreams. But..there's power in confession. Amen to that! I gotta overcome my fear.

We went for dinner after the talk, and Catherine went off to meet someone else. We walked to Suntec and had PastaMania.

When we were walking back to the station, I saw this nice bag!! $20 only but after much debate with the rest, I decided not to buy..I spent too much that day alr: $30. I have to control my spending....Altho half of it went to the guitar string and pick holder...

Today I talked to Catherine on the phone...told her that I got Greg to be my guitar teacher. She said she'll get a teacher for me. But getting such a teacher requires much commitment.. I really want to learn. So actually, time is nth. I will do whatever I can to reach my goal.

I cant wait for what is in store for me in 2007. I want to go on a faith journey with the Holy Spirit and see it become reality!

michi ]|[ 21:39

Monday, January 1


// feeling :: VICTORIOUS
// prayer for ::

My New Year present from the Lord....A spiritual breakthrough and supernatural healing over the crossing over of 2006 to 2007. Last night He healed my heart and I awoke today victorious.

michi ]|[ 09:28